SIGCHI Finland's spring meeting 1.4.2008

01.04.2008 09:47

You are warmly welcome to come and hear! Admission is free.


  • 13.00 - 13.15 Gathering up, taking coffee/tea/refreshments
  • 13.15 - 14.00 Talk by Prof. Tassu Takala (Media Technology, TKK)
  • 14.00 - 14.15 Break
  • 14.15 - 15.00 Talk by Phil Lindberg (Discovery and Strategy, Nokia Design)
  • 15.00 - 15.15 Break
  • 15.15 - 16.00 SIGCHI Finland's official spring meeting. See more information below (in Finnish)

Introductions of the invited speakers:


Prof. Tassu Takala: "Multimodal and bodily interaction technologies"

What are the opportunities provided by multimodal interaction technologies? Prof Takala will provide a glimpse of the recent developments in the field, including his group's recent Virtual Opera project together with Sibelius Academy.

Learn more: => Applications

Professor Takala is a leader of Art & Magic research group at Dept of Media Technology at TKK. His interests include computer graphics and interactive systems, virtual reality (VR), animation, sound synthesis, and embodied interaction.


Phil Lindberg: "Designing for people in an always-on world"

The always-on stream of communication and metadata is both profoundly compelling, and quite overwhelming. What issues could we highlight to ensure that we create elegant and desirable solutions that meet the needs of everyday people. Solutions that acknowledge not only what we (can) do, but why we (want to) do it?

Phil Lindberg is a Senior Design Manager within Discovery and Strategy, Nokia Design. He leads a team focused on strategic projects with an aim to clarify and translate business opportunities through design.


SIGCHI Finland ry:n kevätkokous


Kevätkokous järjestetään klo 15.15 samassa tilassa kuin ylläolevat puheet. Käsiteltävät asiat ovat:


  1. Kokouksen avaus
  2. Valitaan kokouksen puheenjohtaja, sihteeri, kaksi pöytäkirjantarkastajaa ja tarvittaessa kaksi ääntenlaskijaa
  3. Todetaan kokouksen laillisuus ja päätösvaltaisuus
  4. Hyväksytään kokouksen työjärjestys
  5. Esitetään tilinpäätös, vuosikertomus ja tilintarkastajien lausunto
  6. Päätetään tilinpäätöksen vahvistamisesta ja vastuuvapauden myöntämisestä hallitukselle ja muille vastuuvelvollisille
  7. Kokouksen päättäminen