How to become member of SIGCHI Finland + GDPR info

We welcome all new members for 2018.

Active participation of our members and their membership fees are a critical factor for the success and continuity of SIGCHI Finland. They allow us to organize several free to all activities also during 2018, including:

* The Master's Thesis competition, organized yearly. (Submissions are accepted right now for thesis accepted between June 1 2017 and May 31 2018)

* Spring seminar and general meeting held at Aalto University on April 3rd. Seminar topic: “HCI education in Finnish Universities”.

* Autumn seminar, topic related to Human-Centered Design in Health Sector

* World Usability Day seminar on November 8th incl. live broadcast of presentations

* More local activities and events

* Continue hosting mailing list and LinkedIn group for anyone interested in HCI topics. Each list reaches about 500 area practitioners, researchers and students in Finland.

Overall, SIGCHI Finland's purpose is to bring together people interested in HCI and advance the research and education in this field.

Membership fees for 2018:
- 0 € for undergrad students
- 20 € for other members. You can now pay up to three years in advance (20 € / year). We will notify you when your membership is coming to an end.
- Companies and organizations can join as supporting members with 100 € / year.

You can pay your membership fee to SIGCHI Finland bank account, details can be found from or from jasenvastaaja(at)

Due to new EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) you may view our privacy policy statement at regarding the collected membership data and e.g. data collected from seminar participants. The privacy policy is in Finnish.

Sincere thanks for your support!