UX SIG on UX measurability

SIGCHI Finland proudly presents:
UX SIG on UX Measurability

Tuesday 18.10. 9:30-12
Design Factory in Otaniemi, Betonimiehenkuja 5c, Espoo
Free of charge, but please register by Tuesday 11.10.

User experience (UX) is a vague and multifaceted concept that is hard to evaluate reliably. However, you cannot improve what you cannot measure. This event discusses the state of the art of measuring UX, especially the measures (mittarit) of UX. We have a special guest star, Effie Law, so the event will be in English.

09:00 Tour at Aalto Design Factory (late addition; register directly to virpi.roto@aalto.fi)
09:30 Coffee
10:00 Opening (Virpi Roto, Aalto University)
10:05 Measurability of UX – State of the Art (Effie Law, University of Leicester, UK)
11:00 Measuring emotions (Pertti Saariluoma, University of Jyväskylä)
11:30 Measuring perceived system quality (Heli Väätäjä, Tampere University of Technology)
12:00 Closing

Dr. Effie Law is visiting Helsinki as part of a Twintide COST project. Effie Law is a Lecturer at the University of Leicester, UK, and Visiting Senior Research Scientist of ETH Zürich, Switzerland. She obtained her PhD in Psychology from the University of Munich (LMU), Germany. Her research domains are human-computer interaction and technology-enhanced learning. She is the chair of a large-scale European project COST Action IC0904 TwinTide on integration of cross-sectorial design and evaluation methods, and has organized several international workshops on UX. Recently, she has co-edited a special issue on UX modelling in Interacting with Computers.